2025 Officers:
Tom Mayka - W3TRM
Rich Abromowitz - KC3TLC
Rick Rinehimer - K3TOW
Treasurer: Herb Krumich K2LNS
Board of Directors: Elaine Kolar - K3VQR
John Diliberto - AB3ZI George Miklosi - K3ZK
Jonathan Rizzo - KC3EEY
George Gannis - WB3FKQ
Newsletter Editor:
Elaine Kollar K3VQR Webmaster & Public Information Officer Rick Rinehimer K3TOW
Quartermaster: George Miklosi K3ZK
Technical Specialist: Bill Gallagher - WA3RA
QSL Manager: Liam McGovern KC3UII
Net Manager: George Miklosi K3ZK
Librarian: Ian Kellman K3IK
Club Stations – K3YTL & K3JML
Trustees: George Miklosi K3ZK & Elaine Kollar K3VQR
Club Repeater K3YTL/R
145.450 Tone – 82.5
Every Thursday 9pm
Club Repeater
145.450/PL 82.5
About our Group
The Murgas ARC normally meets monthly on
the first Wednesday of the month at 8:00pm. at the Luzerne County Emergency Management
Building, 185 Water Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Guests are
always welcome. The meeting usually features an informative
program on a radio related topic after a brief business
meeting. Please check the current issue of the MARC Times or our
Groups.io and Facebook pages for updated meeting
information. Get
a map to the meeting here.
Due to COVID Restrictions, our
meetings may temporarily be held via teleconference.
Current information on k3ytl.groups.io
Club event Talk-in on
146.610 (Tx-) (PL 82.5) or 145.450 (TX-) (PL 82.5) or
449.825 (Tx-) (Pl 82.5)
The Murgas Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL
Special Service Club. The Club participates in several
operating events during the year and members provide
communications support for several local non -profit
organizations. Our members are always ready to provide emergency
communications in conjunction with the Luzerne County
Amateur Radio Emergency Service. Many members hold ARRL
appointments involving emergency communications.
"Contest Contest DE K3YTL - Kilowatt Three Yellow Traffic Light calling!" You will also hear K3YTL on the air during Field Day and during the Pennsylvania QSO Party in October. The Murgas Amateur Radio Club has won the trophy for highest scoring club in the PA QSO party several times! K3YTL is also active on the HF bands, members taking turns operating from their home stations with the Club call on all modes and bands. "QRZ?"
Our club members are active in the June and September VHF contests, most DX, stateside and digital contests. Several Murgas members also did well in the 2014 ARRL Centennial Challenge.
The club also has an active ARRL VE Team, Exams are scheduled and announced as the VE team sees a need. An exam session is also held at our Hamfest in early July.
The club repeater, K3YTL on 145.450 (TX-) (PL 82.5 ) covers the Wyoming Valley and surrounding areas. The weekly Murgas Net meets every Thursday night ot 9:00PM local on '45. A "Swap and Shop" session follows the net.
The Club sponsors a network of APRS
Digipeaters in Northeastern
Pennsylvania using the call W3NEP
and K3JML.
These Digis were established by Mike Navin N3FJA (SK).
The Murgas ARC is proud to sponsor a yearly
scholarship awarded to an college student/amateur. The
scholarship is administered by The
Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR).
In April 2022, The
Murgas Amateur Radio Club, NASA, The University of Scranton
and Misericordia University cooperated to bring NASA
Astronaut Colonel Doug Wheelock - KF5BOC
to our area for 2 informative and entertaining
The presentations can be viewed
on the Murgas
ARC YouTube Channel WNEP-TV's Meterologist
John Hickey interview of Col. Wheelock
The MARC Times, our monthly newsletter is edited by (Volunteer position currently unfilled).
Articles for publication may be submitted to the club's mailing address or to marctimes@murgasarc.org via e-mail.
The trustee of our Club license and Net Manager is George Miklosi K3ZK.
Our Volunteer Examination Coordinator is Rick Rinehimer, K3TOW.
Our QSL Manager is Liam McGovern KC3UII.
Our Parlimentarian is Rich Tyira KC3FKW.
Our Librarian is Ian Kellman K3IK.
Club Technical Specialist is Phil Galasso K2PG.
Club historian is Elaine Kollar, K3VQR.
Club Webmaster and
Public Information Officer is Rick
Rinehimer, K3TOW.
ARC "Ham of the Year"
Every year the
members of the club nominate a fellow member for "Ham of the
Year". The nominations are then debated by officers and
the Board of Directors at the November BOD Meeting. The
award is presented at the Murgas Holiday Dinner in
December. Follow the link for a list of past "Ham of the
Year" Honorees.
List of
Murgas Amateur Radio "Ham of the Year" Honorees
Murgas ARC History
The Club is named after Father Joseph (Josef)
Murgas, a Slovak priest who was an early communications pioneer.
His first experimental broadcast from Wilkes-Barre to Scranton,
Pennsylvania took place on April 27, 1905. Although others had
previously succeeded in transmitting over water, Murgas was
first to successfully transmit over land. Murgas also
developed a tone system for use in radio transmission.
Father Murgas' transmitting towers in Wilkes-Barre are pictured
on our club's QSL Card as well as the cards of several of our
members. Father Murgas' accomplishments have been
recognized by The
Pennsylvania General Assembly in 1987 House Resolution 25.
Watch a video
presentation on the early days of the Murgas ARC
Was Josef Murgas the "Father of Radio"? Check these links and decide for yourself.
Information on Father Joseph Murgas, Radio Pioneer from a student project at Wyoming Valley West High School (link may be down)
Murgas Information at the United States Early Radio Web Site or Early Radio History
Explore PA History Web Site Electrical World and Engineer , July 11, 1905 Arcane Radio Trivia Site Monoskop
Info on Murgas from the Slovak Catholic Foundation Wikipedia entry on Murgas Penn State
on Father Murgas Burial Place Reverend
Josef Murgaš - ourhistoryinitiative.org
Room at King's College in Wilkes-Barre
book on Father Murgas
"Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great Scientists: Joseph
Murgas" written by Joseph Weber
The callsign K3YTL was originally
issued to founding member J. Campbell Collins. In
2006, the Club added in memoriam, the call of one of our groups
founding members - Carl Kollar, K3JML to honor
his years of dedication and service to the Club. Plans are
to use this call for contesting and special event
Our members are very active in the hobby with
such diverse interests as Contesting, DX, Amateur Satellites,
EME, Amateur Television, Weak Signal VHF/Microwave, QRP,
Local Repeaters, Packet Radio, Amateur Radio Emergency Service,
Traffic Nets, and much more.
Murgas members in the media spotlight!
Click on the QSL Card to e-mail The Murgas ARC Groups.io group.